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Accidents Waiting to Happen




Cats are naturally curious creatures. Below is  a list of things to watch out for that can be hazardous to your furry friend.

Household Appliances


Always keep your appliance doors closed when not in use. When in use, be aware of where your cat is, curiosity will sometimes lure them into the open door or cabinet. Below are a few appliances to look out for.


  • Washing machine/dryer

  • Freezer/Refrigerator

  • Dishwashers

  • Stoves


Hot Hazards


Your cat might not know a surface is hot until it's too late. Be mindful of your cat when any of the appliances below are in use. Remember: flames can frighten or even fascinate cats. 


  • Ovens

  • Stovetops

  • Fireplaces (be sure to gate them off)

  • Candles (even in high places)

  • Space heaters

  • Irons


Edible Hazards 


Food:*these items are toxic to cats*

  • Chocolate

  • Potato eyes

  • Onions

  • Apple seeds

  • Almond, Apricot, Peach, and Cherry pits

  • Avacado

  • Eggplant

  • Java beans

  • Mushrooms

  • Tomatoes 


Sharp Objects

  • ​Broken glass

  • Bones

  • Tinfoil

  • Wires/cords

  • Pins/Needles

  • Hard plastics



All medications should be stored safely away from your cat. A small pill could be seen as a treat or toy by your cat. 


Caustic Chemicals


Cleaning solutions, especially those containing phenol, can cause irritation or poisoning. Try keeping your cat in another room until freshly cleaned surfaces have dried completley. When cats walk across damp floors, he/she will pick up the residue onto their paws. Paws can absorb the residue into their skin, or it can be licked off during grooming. Below are chemicals to be cautious of:


  • Cleaning solutions

  • Household chemicals

  • Cosmetics

  • Toiletries

  • Pesticides

  • Fertilizers

  • Antifreeze: Antifreeze is deadly and has been known to be attract many animals!


Hazardous Plants

Many plants that are used to decorate homes are actually toxic to cats.

To keep him/her away, spray the leaves with a mixture of hot pepper and water. 

If your cat is using your plant as a litter box, try putting pinecones or orange peels on the soil. 


Below is an alphabetical list of plants that you should avoid: 




Alfalfa, Alocasis, Amaryllis, Azalea, Baneberry, Bayonet, Beargrass, Beech, Belladonna, Bird of Paradise, Bittersweet, Black-Eyed Susan, Black Locust, Bleeding Heart, Bloodroot, Bluebonnet, Box, Boxwood, Buckeyes, Burning Bush, Buttercup




Cactus, Candelabra, Caladium, Castor Bean, Cherry (most wild varieties), Cherry-ground, Cherry Laurel, Chinaberry, Christmas Rose, Chrysanthemum, Clematis, Coriana, Cornflower, Corydalis, Crocus-Autumn, Cyclamen, Daffodil, Daphne, Datura, Deadly Nightshade, Death Camas, Delphinium, Dicentrea, Dieffenbachia




Easter Lily, Elderberry, Elephant Ear, English Ivy, Euonymous, Evergreen, Ferns, Flax, Four O'Clock, Foxglove, Golden Chain, Golden Glow, Gopher Purge, Hellebore, Hemlock-Poison, Hemlock-Water, Henbane, Holly, Honeysuckle, Horsebush, Horse Chesnuts, Hyacinth, Hydrangea, Indian Tobacco, Iris, Iris Ivy, Jack in the Pulpi, Jessamine, Jerusalem Cherry, Jimson Weed, Jonquil, Jungle Trumpets




Lantara, Larkspur, Laurel, Lily, Lily Spider, Lily of the Valley, Locoweed, Lupine, Marigold, Marijuana, Mescal Bean, Mistletoe, Mock Orange, Monkswood, Moonseed, Morning Glory, Mountain Laurel, Narcissus, Nightshade, Oleander, Peony, Periwinkle, Philedendron, Pimpernel, Poinciana, Poinsettia, Poison Hemlock, Poison Ivy, Poision Oak, Poewood, Poppy, Precatory Bean, Privet-Common




 Rhododendron, Rhubarb, Rosemary Pea, Rubber Plant, Scotch Broom, Skunck Cabbage,

 Snowdrops, Snow on the Mountain, Staggerweed, Star of Bethlehem, Sweetpea, Tansy       Mustard, Tobacco, Tulip, Tung Tree, Virginia Creeper, Weeping Fig, Wild Call, Winter Cherry, Wisteria, Yews: Japanese, English, Western 



Additonal Hazards


Cats love to crawl into drawers, this may cause injury if there are sharp objects in them such as knives. Be mindful when opening and closing drawers, your kitty may be napping in there! Below are some other hazards to think about:


  • Electrical cords (cats love to chew on cords, this can cause electrocution and death)

  • Open windows/loose screens

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